Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Happy Birthday to Me
Well I am in Canada on my birthday, I wish I could of seen a Leafs game today, but I guess playing hockey on my birthday is way better, I am not complaining. I got to eat a little Sushi for lunch (third day in a row). They guys took me out, I did not drink but they did get me a cake and the waiter staff sang to me, that was great of the guys to do. Now I am doing a whole lot of nothing, I leave for Pittsburgh tomorrow, talk to you then on the down low.

Got to play Hockey again
Well aparently one of the brothers here at University of Toronto plays hockey and he said he could use another guy to play hockey last night. Me being the nice person I am decided to go play a little hockey with him at 12:15AM on my birthday, had a ton of fun. I did better then I did a week and a half ago when I played in London. This time we had subs so I could rest a little bit during the game. I forgot my camera to take a picture, oh well, maybe next time, hopefully there is a next time and soon.
Sunday, January 29, 2006
Drive back into Toronto
Well I left Indianapolis today, flew back to Buffalo and drove back into Toronto. To go to University of Toronto, (Ontario Alpha) about 15 minutes away from York University (Ontario Delta). Took me a little while to get in the house, apparently no likes to answer the door when someone is knocking, haha, they are good kids there. The Chapter President took me out for Sushi, what a great guy he is, Elvis is the man.
Picture of a sign downtown, GO LEAFS...

Picture of a sign downtown, GO LEAFS...

Last night of GOC
I got the job of name tag hander outer at GOC, so it was good I got to talk to everyone. Well I got to see a lot of my Province Presidents, the General Council and old friends that I have not seen in a while.
Here is a picture of all the Consultants (except Tyler, he had dip fix he was trying to satisfy in the pouring rain, he came back soaked)

Here is a picture of My Province President Ken and Scott one of the General Council Members, both Utah Alpha's.

Here is a picture of all the Consultants (except Tyler, he had dip fix he was trying to satisfy in the pouring rain, he came back soaked)

Here is a picture of My Province President Ken and Scott one of the General Council Members, both Utah Alpha's.

Friday, January 27, 2006
I was a nervous wreak all day praying for my mom to get through her surgery ok. My dad said the Doctor said the procedure went good and that she could go home.
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Happy Anniversary MOM and DAD
I hope you two had a wonderful 26th Anniversary, I love you two so much and I wish I could see you more. You two mean so much to me, there is no way I would be were I am today if you two were not there through everything with me. You have been there when I have needed you most, mom with bringing me to play hockey at 3 AM every Sunday. I will never forget that, Thanks again. Dad those fishing trips to Utah and Oregon with Grandpa, I will never forget, they mean more then you could ever know. I wish we could go more often. Mom driving out with me to Ohio, so far from home to live in almost a foreign country to a small town, Oxford. Seeing Grandma, your brother, sisters and cousins in Minnesota meant a lot. It was great to see you both with Bret and Savanna when you came out to Ohio to come visit over the summer. Dad you helping me buy my first truck (which I am still paying off) and me not having a very good grasp on how to drive stick yet on the way home, hopefully I did not give you whiplash. Mom going skiing in Tahoe and Mount Charleston with me and Bret, was so much fun ever since I was about five, I still love going with you. Both of you coming to see my lacrosse game at Reno and in California. I still cannot wait to be able to go visit the wine country with you in Napa Valley and all over. Since I cannot ship it, I will let you know now, I got you three kinds of Canadian Ice Wine (they pick the grape while it is frozen) first I got the Premier Ice Wine for that winery, a Vanilla flavored Ice Wine (the favorite wine I tried there), then there was the one Ice Wine that was mixed with Canadian Maple Syrup, very good but very sweet. I hope you like them, if I hold on to them much longer I am bound to drink one, ha ha. I hope you like them, I like them all that is why I chose them for you. Well I love you more then this could ever say, but you both mean the world to me. I love you both and thanks again for all those things you have done, you have said and being the best parents I could of ever asked for. Happy 26th Anniversary and hope you have that many more. Love you from the other side of the country and Canada (was there for half the day). Talk to you soon, have a great day.
I hope you two had a wonderful 26th Anniversary, I love you two so much and I wish I could see you more. You two mean so much to me, there is no way I would be were I am today if you two were not there through everything with me. You have been there when I have needed you most, mom with bringing me to play hockey at 3 AM every Sunday. I will never forget that, Thanks again. Dad those fishing trips to Utah and Oregon with Grandpa, I will never forget, they mean more then you could ever know. I wish we could go more often. Mom driving out with me to Ohio, so far from home to live in almost a foreign country to a small town, Oxford. Seeing Grandma, your brother, sisters and cousins in Minnesota meant a lot. It was great to see you both with Bret and Savanna when you came out to Ohio to come visit over the summer. Dad you helping me buy my first truck (which I am still paying off) and me not having a very good grasp on how to drive stick yet on the way home, hopefully I did not give you whiplash. Mom going skiing in Tahoe and Mount Charleston with me and Bret, was so much fun ever since I was about five, I still love going with you. Both of you coming to see my lacrosse game at Reno and in California. I still cannot wait to be able to go visit the wine country with you in Napa Valley and all over. Since I cannot ship it, I will let you know now, I got you three kinds of Canadian Ice Wine (they pick the grape while it is frozen) first I got the Premier Ice Wine for that winery, a Vanilla flavored Ice Wine (the favorite wine I tried there), then there was the one Ice Wine that was mixed with Canadian Maple Syrup, very good but very sweet. I hope you like them, if I hold on to them much longer I am bound to drink one, ha ha. I hope you like them, I like them all that is why I chose them for you. Well I love you more then this could ever say, but you both mean the world to me. I love you both and thanks again for all those things you have done, you have said and being the best parents I could of ever asked for. Happy 26th Anniversary and hope you have that many more. Love you from the other side of the country and Canada (was there for half the day). Talk to you soon, have a great day.
General Officers Convention
I drove to Buffalo (about two to two and half hours away) to fly to Indianapolis. Then T-bone (some call him Tim) picked me up. Then we went out to a good ol' dinner with the crew, minus Mario, he got a late flight as usual, that crazy kid and his nine connections and late-delayed flights. Maybe I do not want the West coast next year, I am starting to fall in love with the Northeast.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
York University-Ontario Delta
Had a good visit at York University. Got some great quality brothers there doing some great things, hopefully they can get there numbers up. There house was hard to find.
Tip of the day:
If you ever sleep on a cot and it is cold make sure you have something under you as well as on top of you to keep you warm.
Tip of the day:
If you ever sleep on a cot and it is cold make sure you have something under you as well as on top of you to keep you warm.
Sunday, January 22, 2006
This is Lord Stanley himself:

The Current Lord Stanley Cup (1of3)

The Original Lord Stanley Cup

Me with the great Lord Stanley Cup.

The Current Lord Stanley Cup (1of3)

The Original Lord Stanley Cup

Me with the great Lord Stanley Cup.

A few guys in the Hall of Fame
Me being a Sports Announcer at the Hockey Hall of Fame
The Hockey Hall of Fame. The TNS/RDS Broadcasting Zone Play-By-Play Pod.
You can view your clip at:
You can view your clip at:
Inside the Hockey Hall of Fame
An amazing day of hockey in Toronto-The Hockey Hall of Fame
Saturday, January 21, 2006
Toronto's Downtown
Well I had a great scenic two hour drive from London to Toronto.
Here are some pictures from Toronto's Downtown.
Here is where the Toronto Bluejays play-Rogers Center

Here is where the Toronto Maple Leafs play now-Air Canada Center

Here are some pictures from Toronto's Downtown.
Here is where the Toronto Bluejays play-Rogers Center

Here is where the Toronto Maple Leafs play now-Air Canada Center

A beautiful Church in London
University of Western Ontario's Law School
University of Western Ontario's Campus

The campus was amazing, here are some of the pictures of the campus, all the buildings were stone and brick.

AM Hockey
Wow now that brought back some memories, playing some hockey at the early AM hours. When my mom use to drive me to the rink at like 3 am every Sunday to play hockey, I miss it so much. I did not do that bad, but did not do as well as I was hoping to. Miss it a lot anyways. I was going to take my camera to take pictures but forgot so I am sorry you cannot not all see me in all my glory, ha ha have a good night.
Thursday, January 19, 2006
University of Western Ontario v Windsor College Hockey Game

I was able to go see a great hockey game last night in London Ontario Home of the University of Western Ontario Mustangs v. the Windsor ( I have no idea what their mascot come to think of it). The Score was 1-0 Windsor after the first period, 4-1 Western after the second period, and 7-2 after the third. The Western team was such a better team, they were just messing around after the second period, they were just dominating the other team.

GUESS WHAT... I get to go play Hockey tomorrow, I am so excited, have not played in about a year, I will keep you all updated tomorrow how it goes. I am going to Toronto this weekend, should be a lot of fun.
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Snowing in London, Ontario

The roads are covered in snow, I am glad I drove up yesterday and not today. Will send another update soon...
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Canadian Customs
I got held up in Canada going across the border. Most of the custom officials seemed in a really bad mood, oh well. They asked me the same three questions forty times. Where are you going? Who do you know there? How do you know them? You feel kind of violated when they open everything you own and go through it. They messed up some stuff, not to bad though. Held me up for like thirty-forty minutes. Got back on the road ok. It rained for my entire seven and half hour drive, three states and a Canadian province, 380 some miles. I am hanging out in Canada for a little bit.
Monday, January 16, 2006
Here I go screaming my lungs out to get back to you:
If you only beilived in me as much as I beilived in you
If only you had the faith in me, the faith I had in you
Just wondering what, what was so hard, so hard that, that made you not beilive, beilive in what we had, that what we had, had something, not just this, not just that, but something, something that I would of given you my all, all I had, never would of looked back, back at it all, you had it, you had it all
If you only beilived in me as much as I beilived in you
If only you had the faith in me, the faith I had in you
Just wondering what, what was so hard, so hard that, that made you not beilive, beilive in what we had, that what we had, had something, not just this, not just that, but something, something that I would of given you my all, all I had, never would of looked back, back at it all, you had it, you had it all
Thursday, January 12, 2006
I am taking the LSAT
I decided that I am going to take the LSAT's in June, pray for me and hope I get accepted into some great law schools. Let me know if you have any suggestions or let me know if you want to take them with me, you know just for morale support and fun????? Well I will be studying hard this semester for the test...
Sunday, January 08, 2006
Budweiser Brewery in St. Louis
When we were leaving St. Louis we stopped by the First Budweiser brewery it is huge. Tried some new beer, they had a great Winter Ale, was really good, they had another brew that they only have at the brewery's they do not sell it and it was really good, cannot remember the name though.
We drove an hour out of the way to see one of our Founders Graves sites and we could not find it, I want to go back and look again soon. I hope we have better luck next time.
We drove an hour out of the way to see one of our Founders Graves sites and we could not find it, I want to go back and look again soon. I hope we have better luck next time.
Saturday, January 07, 2006
PLC with my boys
Sunday, January 01, 2006
New Years on the Las Vegas Strip
The only day that they close Las Vegas boulevard is for New Years. Had a lot of fun with friends, saw the fire works on the crowded street. Hope all your nights were great. I have to head back to Ohio today, work work work, PLC/RBC here we come...