Monday, September 12, 2005
The Big Apple

Well I decided to drive to New York City Sunday morning, which was an experience. I drove to the city, trying to find this sushi place, got lost and had a lot of fun seeing the city, even though I never got out of my car. I had some random dude wash my windsheild when I was stopped at a red light. I gave him a tip just. I drove over the Brooklyn Bridge which was way cool. I think I drove by the World Trade Center (well where they use to be). The other crazy thing I realized was that it was September 11th and I was in New York City. I heard it on the radio how they were going to read all the names of people who died at a ceremony and realized that I was there, kind of crazy. I also drove by Wall Street, the Wall Street, you could not drive down it and it looked like a little alley way, packed full of tourists, PACKED, all taking tons of pictures. Then I drive by the Merrill lynch Bull, Big Brass Bull on the sidewalk, way bigger then my car. Tons of people taking pictures of that with all these kids hanging off of it. I hope to see a lot more of New York City when I go visit Rutgers in a month. Will be fun times, hopefully be able to meet up with friends while I am there. I am now at Penn State, about to go walk around campus and go see the football stadium.