Friday, September 02, 2005
Fenway Park

WOW!!! I cannot wait, I am hoping to go to Feway Park, the stadium is sold out, so maybe I will be able to find some nice person with an extra ticket tomorrow. It was an amazing day here in Hamilton, great weather. I walked around campus and downtown, Hamilton has a very small town feel to it which is cool. There was a nice cool breeze of air all day, another leave all the windows open kind of day. I am hoping to drive through four more states tomorrow, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine and then to Massachusetts into Boston. I have not been to any of those states so I am very excited.
If you like Emo go check out this link- Let me know what you think.
I do not think I am going to do much tonight, rest up and leave early tomorrow so I can stop in each state and say hi to the locals, no not really but I hope to make it to Maine by lunch time, then it is about hour and a half to two hours from there to Boston. It was such a gorgeous day today, you can feel fall start to come and it is going to be great when the leaves change around here.