Sunday, September 04, 2005
New England (Five states of it)

Wow I keep having these amazing drives to these places I have never been to before. I left Colgate and drove through New York, went down a dirt road for a little bit which was a surprise. New York has a ton of cows, I did not know that New York would have so many, I thought it was Texas's job to have tons of cows. Well anyways let me tell you about all the cool things I saw on the way.
-I saw this older gentleman, had to be at least ninety walking up the street with a bouquet of flowers, I was thinking to his special ladies house to show her that he can still be romantic after all these wonderful years.
-I saw a lot of people just fly fishing right on the river under a few bridges that I passed over, I have fished a million times but never fly fished, I would like to try that, looks relaxing and lots of fun
-Green pastures almost my entire trip through New England
-Moose crossing signs, but I saw no moose
-I saw this festival in the middle of nowhere and there were a ton of people there
-I drove through Vermont in less than an hour, so I was in New York to Vermont to New Hampshire in less than an hour which was cool.
-Vermont was beautiful, well they all were but there was this stop in Vermont called "The 100 Mile View" BREATHTAKING, wow it was amazing, trees as far as the eye could see.
-New Hampshire I got pulled over for speeding and I did not even know I was speeding, which I got pulled over by another officer because apparently the other one who clocked me could not turn around in time. Well he asked for the usual (driver’s license, registration). Then the one who apparently clocked me speeding came up and the other cop gave him my stuff he went back to his car and left, so I started to cry and the cop who clocked let me off without a ticket. What a nice guy, no just joking, I was going with the flow of traffic and he told me to keep the speed down, which I did and he let me off with a warning. Nice New Hampshire Highway Patrol keeping the roads safe. State Motto or at least on a lot of signs was "Drive safe, it is the New Hampshire way." Does that not just leave a warm feeling in ya?
-I was driving into Maine and we stopped on the bridge because it was a draw bridge and they were raising it up, which was cool to see.
-I went to Cape Neddick in Maine, I have wanted to go to Maine ever since I found out that they have lobster, so since I was like four or five years old.
-I sat on the beach in Maine, what a beautiful and calm day, called my homeboys Steve and Mario, in The University of Southern California Expansion Gang. They were on the Beach in So Cal (Southern California). I am in the Northeast, them in the Southwest, all three on the beach on two different oceans at the same time which was cool.
-I found out that Portsmouth, NH was founded in 1623, random trivia for ya, so now if any one asks you when Portsmouth, New Hampshire was founded you can say hey buddy that was in 1623.
-I saw a beautiful boxer in Massachusetts, made me miss my pup, Josie, who being a big sis to Kalli right now, sometimes a bully
-Gas, not even sure if I should bring this up, well I will anyways, FREAKING EXPENSIVE, I saw it range from 2.99 to 3.99, mostly between 3.29 to 3.59, crazy, I spend a hundred something today in gas, ridiculous, alright that is enough about gas.
-I went to dinner at this place in Boston that has served Clam Chowder to the Presidential inauguration for the past seven presidents, the chowder was good stuff I have to say.
Once I left the beach in Maine I decided that I had spent to much time at the beach and that I would probably going to miss the Red Sox game so I took Highway 1A South, which is the freeway that runs right next to the Atlantic Ocean down the east coast, another just beautiful drive, I think it took me like a little over two hours to drive the sixty some miles but it was so worth taking the time to drive next to the ocean all the way to Boston.
Well Today I was in four new states and tomorrow I head off for Nova Scotia (First time to not even Nova Scotia but to Canada). I might do this duck tours thing, take a tour of Boston before my flight leaves, we will see, I might try to get up early and go see the sunrise at the beach.