Monday, October 31, 2005
Halloween/Nevada Day
Did you know Nevada Day is October 31st, Nevada became a State in 1864.
Did you know that Nevada's State Constitution was telgraphed to Washington D.C., the entire thing, so they could become a state faster (Help Abraham Linciln win the Presidency)and it was the most expensive telegragh that had ever happen at the time.

Ten Random Nevada Facts:
1. State Bird-Moutain Blue Bird
2. Capital-Carson City (one of the smallest capitals in the country)
3. 36th State
4. Popultaion is over 2,334,771
5. The Five States touch (Arizona, California, Idaho, Oregon, Utah)
6. Highest Point: Boundary Peak, 13,143 feet
Lowest Point: Colorado River, 470 feet
7. Nickname is "The Silver State"
8. University of Nevada was originally in Elko
9. 7th Largest State (land)
10. I was born there in 1981
Hope you dressed up and went trick or treating, I just went out with my good Phi Delt buddies.
Did you know that Nevada's State Constitution was telgraphed to Washington D.C., the entire thing, so they could become a state faster (Help Abraham Linciln win the Presidency)and it was the most expensive telegragh that had ever happen at the time.

Ten Random Nevada Facts:
1. State Bird-Moutain Blue Bird
2. Capital-Carson City (one of the smallest capitals in the country)
3. 36th State
4. Popultaion is over 2,334,771
5. The Five States touch (Arizona, California, Idaho, Oregon, Utah)
6. Highest Point: Boundary Peak, 13,143 feet
Lowest Point: Colorado River, 470 feet
7. Nickname is "The Silver State"
8. University of Nevada was originally in Elko
9. 7th Largest State (land)
10. I was born there in 1981
Hope you dressed up and went trick or treating, I just went out with my good Phi Delt buddies.
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Philly (PHL) to Cincinnati (CVG)
I flew from Philly to Cincinnati today, nice flight.
Then I had to wait at the airport, one hour for my bags, then another hour for my ride. Then go grab a snack and go back and wait at the airport for another hour to hour and a half for my good buddies, nice little day in the CVG. Home, sleep, good. Work soon..........ZZZzzzzzz
Then I had to wait at the airport, one hour for my bags, then another hour for my ride. Then go grab a snack and go back and wait at the airport for another hour to hour and a half for my good buddies, nice little day in the CVG. Home, sleep, good. Work soon..........ZZZzzzzzz
I saw my newly married next door neighbor and her husband, we all had lunch and they are doing great. It was great to see them and be able to catch up.
I went to my first IKEA Store today, it was sweet, HUGE
Helped Travis get a new Dining room table, pretty nice, pretty sweet getup they got. They got another table last night for four dollars at Urban Outfitters another favorite store of mine.
I went to my first IKEA Store today, it was sweet, HUGE
Helped Travis get a new Dining room table, pretty nice, pretty sweet getup they got. They got another table last night for four dollars at Urban Outfitters another favorite store of mine.
Saturday, October 29, 2005
University of Pennsylvania
I was just at PENN, a great campus in downtown Philadelphia. When you are on campus you do not feel like you are in a downtown of a major city. The chapter house is in the middle of campus which is a great location and the chapter house is amazing. The Pennsylvania Zeta chapter house is about one hundred years old and the chapter is about to celebrate their one-hundred twenty fifth anniversary.
I got to see some old friends, Travis, 268, who I have not seen in a while, they are married and have a beautiful baby girl, she is a little over a year. They made her a monkey for Halloween, I help with the Halloween costume, when I say I helped I mean I drive them and gave my two cents, the mom and dad get all the credit.

I got to see some old friends, Travis, 268, who I have not seen in a while, they are married and have a beautiful baby girl, she is a little over a year. They made her a monkey for Halloween, I help with the Halloween costume, when I say I helped I mean I drive them and gave my two cents, the mom and dad get all the credit.

Monday, October 24, 2005
Washington D.C.
Our Capital
A Place of Good Friends
A Place of History and remeberence
A place I would love to live, work and hopefully go to law school

Got to see two great friends, Ryan and Eric while I was here. Went out with 248 the first night, went to Thai Tanic for Dinner, it was great. Then we went out for a night of catching up and drinking, Had a great time hanging out with my ol' pledge brother, he was President and I was Vice President of our Pledge Class. He is a great Kid and just got a job out here working for the State of Nevada out here in D.C. He is looking good, happy and healthy again. We talked about stuff I had totally forgotten about, so it was great to catch up. The second day we went to the new World War II Memorial, was an awesome monument(pictures above). Everyone should go see it, an awesome experience. Then we went to a movie, we saw "History of Violence", pretty good movie, I would recommend it. Then today we went to see a lot of monuments and the sites. We went by to see:
Supreme Court-(I would like to work here someday)

The White House-(Here too)

Congress-(Here too)

Library of Congress-

Fun Times and then now I am at University of Maryland, Hope to go around and look at the campus tomorrow. Talk to you kids later!!! Do not lie your nose might grow...
A Place of Good Friends
A Place of History and remeberence
A place I would love to live, work and hopefully go to law school

Got to see two great friends, Ryan and Eric while I was here. Went out with 248 the first night, went to Thai Tanic for Dinner, it was great. Then we went out for a night of catching up and drinking, Had a great time hanging out with my ol' pledge brother, he was President and I was Vice President of our Pledge Class. He is a great Kid and just got a job out here working for the State of Nevada out here in D.C. He is looking good, happy and healthy again. We talked about stuff I had totally forgotten about, so it was great to catch up. The second day we went to the new World War II Memorial, was an awesome monument(pictures above). Everyone should go see it, an awesome experience. Then we went to a movie, we saw "History of Violence", pretty good movie, I would recommend it. Then today we went to see a lot of monuments and the sites. We went by to see:
Supreme Court-(I would like to work here someday)

The White House-(Here too)

Congress-(Here too)

Library of Congress-

Fun Times and then now I am at University of Maryland, Hope to go around and look at the campus tomorrow. Talk to you kids later!!! Do not lie your nose might grow...
Friday, October 21, 2005
McDaniel College

Formally known as West Maryland College, in Winchester, Maryland. The name changed a few years ago. Well I am staying in a dorm with the chapter which was kind of cool, have not stayed in a dorm in a long time, so it was fun. One of the best things about living in a dorm is that you can find anything, and I really wanted to watch a movie last night so I asked the President I was staying with if he had some movies and he said sure I will be right back and came back with at least 30 DVD's, I ended up watching the "Notebook," (chick flick, kind of funny) and "Monster" (kind of crazy, based on a true storey, about a Prostitute Serial Killer, which is not what I was expecting at all from the movie). Then the next night I really wanted to see "Saw" so the President search around the Dorm for the movie, finally found it. So lesson learned you can find anything you want in a dorm. I get to see my buddies in Washington, D.C. tomorrow, will be fun times. Until next time, drive safe, look both ways before you cross the street and SHARE.
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Gettysburg Battle-Civil War
I went to the battle field of Gettysburg today with the Chapter President. Some say it was the battle the changed the war. It was a three day battle July 2nd, 3rd, and 4th of 1862. One of the bloodiest battles over 52,000 casualties of war. The battle field was over 16 square miles. I also saw the site were Abraham Lincoln gave the Gettysburg Address, which was a four minute speech. The person who was speaking before Lincoln spoke for one and half hours, so a lot of people were angry he only talked for four minutes. The press was apparently very hard on him in the papers for speaking for such a short amount of time. The middle of the battle field is very flat lands sounded by many rocks, corn stocks and forests. The bloodiest battle of Gettysburg only last fifty minutes and was a Turing point of the battle and the war. I had great history lessons today...
Monday, October 17, 2005
Gettysburg, PA
Home of Gettysburg College, their mascot is Billy the Bullet.
I am hoping to go to the Gettysburg battlefield today.
I had a 470+ mile drive yesterday, little less then eight hours.
Hope all is great in your neck of the woods.
I am hoping to go to the Gettysburg battlefield today.
I had a 470+ mile drive yesterday, little less then eight hours.
Hope all is great in your neck of the woods.
Tip of the Day
If you are going through a toll or think you might be driving through a toll , CARRY CASH, they do not accept credit cards, cash only. I forgot cash and I was hopping they would take credit cards but they do not. So now I have to mail in money to the PA Turnpike Commission. Lesson Learned.
Sunday, October 09, 2005
You saw something in me,
I didn’t see
You had faith in me
When I did not believe
I had it
You knew that
You saw me for me
Thanks for beilieving in me and seeing me for me
You saw something in me,
I didn’t see
You had faith in me
When I did not believe
I had it
You knew that
You saw me for me
Thanks for beilieving in me and seeing me for me
Montreal, QC to Oxford, OH
850 Miles and 15 and half hours of driving, straight through. More to come soon, but it was a great drive, seeing the leaves start to change. It was a very long drive though, will give more details soon.
Thursday, October 06, 2005
So i drove to Montreal, Quebec yesterday to come to McGill(Quebec Alpha), About a four hundred mile trip across Ontario on HWY-401. The trip was very senic geeting to see more leave changes, saw a sign that showed a moose charging, so I was watching out for charging Moose but I did not see any, lucky me I guess. Well once I hit the Quebec border I really felt like I was in a different country. Ontario and Nova Scotia still feel like the states to me, everything is the same, except you can drink at 19.. Quebec on the other hand you can drink at 18, that is not even the stangest part. Once you hit the border everything is in French, my two years of French did not help much. Good thing I had an exit number when to get off to get to McGill. Well I got to the chapter and immidiately jumped into my first meeting and started talking to one of the officers about recruitment, I could tell he did not want to be there so I gave him as much advice as I could on recruitment and I will see what he does with it. Well I went to dinner last night and I got a menu that was all in French and a waiter who came up speaking French, he ended up speaking English and getting me an English Menu. The President here is a good guy and seems to want to make this a great chapter. I get to drive ALL DAY on Saturday, I might be going over Niagra Falls, which would be really amazing.
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
McMaster University
So, I have not had very good internet access lately, but that is beside the point. I left the expansion project which was a sad day, wish I could of stayed their longer. I had a great time but I had to go and I drove about an hour southeast to Hamilton, home of McMaster University (Ontario Gamma). I was a good drive becasue I started to see a lot of the leaves changing all around me, the yellows, the oranges, the reds, JUST AMAZING. Leaves do not change color where I am from so it was really a sight to see, cannot wait for the colors to get more bright.
Monday, October 03, 2005
Ontario Eta Interest Group
Just wrapping up the expansion here in Waterloo. We handed out 20 bids, have had 3 no's, a couple guys on the fence. They are a great bunch of guys and I am very excited for them. We will find out for sure the number tomorrow night. I have to leave tomorrow, I wish I could stay here and work with the guys longer, and I know this chapter is going to do great things. They should be at 25 by the end of the month and to 35 by February. I am hoping they will be installed in March or April. I am going to McMaster and McGill this week. No more cell phone for another week, until I get to GHQ in a week.
I am at my car yesterday after the Homecoming football game here and these two kids are fighting in the street and one kid threw this other kid in my car, so now I have this huge dent in my car. THAT SUCKED
I am at my car yesterday after the Homecoming football game here and these two kids are fighting in the street and one kid threw this other kid in my car, so now I have this huge dent in my car. THAT SUCKED