Friday, October 21, 2005
McDaniel College

Formally known as West Maryland College, in Winchester, Maryland. The name changed a few years ago. Well I am staying in a dorm with the chapter which was kind of cool, have not stayed in a dorm in a long time, so it was fun. One of the best things about living in a dorm is that you can find anything, and I really wanted to watch a movie last night so I asked the President I was staying with if he had some movies and he said sure I will be right back and came back with at least 30 DVD's, I ended up watching the "Notebook," (chick flick, kind of funny) and "Monster" (kind of crazy, based on a true storey, about a Prostitute Serial Killer, which is not what I was expecting at all from the movie). Then the next night I really wanted to see "Saw" so the President search around the Dorm for the movie, finally found it. So lesson learned you can find anything you want in a dorm. I get to see my buddies in Washington, D.C. tomorrow, will be fun times. Until next time, drive safe, look both ways before you cross the street and SHARE.