Thursday, September 29, 2005

We are having our last main event tonight, so that should be a good event, since I think most of the guys will be there. Then I get to hand out bids to the guys on Saturday at High Noon. Then I will be able to go to the Homecoming Game at 2pm with all of the guys. They get to hand their bids to me back on Sunday, so we will see. The weather got a lot cooler today but I am loving the weather, been great.
I saw a random commercial today of a Tire Store in Canada selling pots and pans, very random.
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
I saw "Red Eye" the movie, I am not going to ruin it but not as good as I thought it was going to be.
I had an interview with a good guy today, so we will see how that works. I also got another interview for tomorrow with a guy the Alpha Phi's really like so I am excited about that and we will see how that goes.
Alpha Phi has been very very nice to me and Steve here at Laurier. Thanks Ladies!!!

"What the difference between a lawyer and a catfish?"
"One is a bottom dwelling creature the other one is a fish."
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha, nevermind and I want to go to law school to, imagine that.
I had an interview with a good guy today, so we will see how that works. I also got another interview for tomorrow with a guy the Alpha Phi's really like so I am excited about that and we will see how that goes.
Alpha Phi has been very very nice to me and Steve here at Laurier. Thanks Ladies!!!

"What the difference between a lawyer and a catfish?"
"One is a bottom dwelling creature the other one is a fish."
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha, nevermind and I want to go to law school to, imagine that.
Monday, September 26, 2005
Ice Cream and Good TV
I have had a huge craving for over a week of Ice Cream. Well I got some Reese Cup Ice Cream it was good stuff. My two picks for my favorite shows are "Greg's Anatomy" (Sunday nights at 10pm) and "Lost" (Wednesday nights). Both had their season premeires last week, both very good.
It has been raining all night here in Waterloo, ON, the weather has been great other then that. We are having our next recruitment event Monday night for Monday Night Football, I am hoping we get some new guys out at the event. I would be very very happy if I left here with twenty-five quality guys at the end of the week. So hopefully this will work out well and we will have a great chapter here in Canada.
National Hazing Prevention Week
September 26-30, 2005
Don't Tarnish The Badge
It has been raining all night here in Waterloo, ON, the weather has been great other then that. We are having our next recruitment event Monday night for Monday Night Football, I am hoping we get some new guys out at the event. I would be very very happy if I left here with twenty-five quality guys at the end of the week. So hopefully this will work out well and we will have a great chapter here in Canada.
National Hazing Prevention Week
September 26-30, 2005
Don't Tarnish The Badge
Saturday, September 24, 2005
Joke of the Day
He's going to Heaven
Father Murphy walks into a pub in Donegal, and says to the first man he meets, "Do you want to go to heaven?"
The man said, "I do Father."
The priest said, "Then stand over there against the wall."
Then the priest asked the second man, "Do you want to got to heaven?"
"Certainly, Father," was the man's reply.
"Then stand over there against the wall," said the priest.
Then Father Murphy walked up to O'Toole and said, "Do you want to go to heaven?"
O'Toole said, "No, I don't Father."
The priest said, "I don't believe this. You mean to tell me that when you die you don't want to go to heaven?"
O'Toole said, "Oh, when I die, yes. I thought you were getting a group together to go right now."
Funny Picture of the Day
This Picture is for my brother and Drew, and there Bus dreams

Father Murphy walks into a pub in Donegal, and says to the first man he meets, "Do you want to go to heaven?"
The man said, "I do Father."
The priest said, "Then stand over there against the wall."
Then the priest asked the second man, "Do you want to got to heaven?"
"Certainly, Father," was the man's reply.
"Then stand over there against the wall," said the priest.
Then Father Murphy walked up to O'Toole and said, "Do you want to go to heaven?"
O'Toole said, "No, I don't Father."
The priest said, "I don't believe this. You mean to tell me that when you die you don't want to go to heaven?"
O'Toole said, "Oh, when I die, yes. I thought you were getting a group together to go right now."
Funny Picture of the Day
This Picture is for my brother and Drew, and there Bus dreams

Candian Football

Going to my first ever Candian University Football Game today, starts in a little bit.

This is kind of my first day off in a way in like a really long time, I get to relax and I do not have to drive anywhere, which is nice, so I am excited about going to a football game.

Well I hope it will be a good game Wilfrid Laurier University is ranked three in the country, but there are only a little over a dozen teams here north of the states.
I am in a black hole of communication with no phone access, kinda sucks.
PDT LC Top Five Music Videos of the Day


Friday, September 23, 2005
Wilfrid Laurier University
Some English Words that change spelling in Canadian English, Lesson of the day. Hey I am useful for something, I hope.
They do not say Freshman or Senior, they say first year or fourth year.
Well the expansion is going good, We had about 15-20 interviews yesterday and today, most of them look like quality guys. I think I am going to be able to leave here with 25+ guys so they will be able to be a colony here in the next few weeks.

Eric Lindros is on the Maple LEafs now, I wonder if he is still #88,

Some English Words that change spelling in Canadian English, Lesson of the day. Hey I am useful for something, I hope.
They do not say Freshman or Senior, they say first year or fourth year.
Well the expansion is going good, We had about 15-20 interviews yesterday and today, most of them look like quality guys. I think I am going to be able to leave here with 25+ guys so they will be able to be a colony here in the next few weeks.

Eric Lindros is on the Maple LEafs now, I wonder if he is still #88,

Tuesday, September 20, 2005
New Mustang SWEET!!
Waterloo, Ontario
Well we had a great meet and greet last night about seventeen guys showed up, we had our first interview today, which went well. We have a bunch more tomorrow and the rest of the week, I think we have close to twenty interviews this week which I am excited about. We are hoping to have a big event Thursday with alumni and actives from the Province to show these guys how big Phi Delt is, which I think will be a great selling point. The expansion is going great I am hoping to get more guys then University of Southern California (California Delta) which was forty-two. I will be in Canada for almost another three weeks, fun times.

They Got Funny Money here!!

They Got Funny Money here!!
Sunday, September 18, 2005
GOOD Week, and that is not just cause I am hanging out with Good for the week!!
Well I have not written in a few days, since my last blog spot, I have been in four states, two countries, five Universities, three chapters, a football game with over 100,000 people, that is right, ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND, totally awesome experience.
Ok well Wednesday I woke up and drove down to Shippensburg, PA to help out PA-Omicron Chapter. I spend about four hours, helping them solve some internal problems and coming up with some very realistic solutions that I am excited for the chapter to complete. Then I drove back to Oxford to hang out with my good buddy Kerry, the South Dakotan, who we almost lost to SAE, well that is a crazy story, you better ask him. Well anyways we went out for a drink at 12:30 and after our first drink we got kicked out cause they were closing, but hey I ate a ton of peanuts, good stuff. Then I worked two days at good ol' GHQ, I was in Oxford for about exactly forty hours, by the way I have a huge pet peeve with Pregnant Women smoking, maybe that is just me, Bynum will probably get mad at that comment, my chew buddy, even though I do not chew.
Well then Friday I drove to Ohio State University for a football game, saw the Phi Delt house there, nice place, didn’t go inside, maybe next time. We were at Ohio Stadium, the Horseshoe, which is a very cool stadium, third largest stadium in the country I believe. Well I went with my dad, they were playing his Alma Mater San Diego State University, GO AZTECS!!! We were in end zone at the top of the horseshoe with a bunch of other SDSU fans. Well I have to say the game started off great with the Aztecs scoring in two Seconds, the first play, a pass that was run for eighty yards, with a touchdown in our end zone, called my buddy Jimmy and harassed him, because he is a Buckeyes fan and then they missed the extra point. So Aztecs up six to nothing, then it all went down hill after that, Aztecs ended up losing the game 27-6. Well it was definitely an experience, with over 102,000 people there, largest attended football game I had ever been to. Hearing one side of the stadium YELL O-H and the other I-O, the crowd gets into the game, the stadium is on-campus which I always think is great and helps the team. It was great to see my dad and hang out with him, I learned a lot about wine and the vineyards in California, Oregon and France last night. I am hoping to buy a bottle of this Chardonnay Wine I had a while ago in Lake Tahoe.

Well I dropped my dad off at the airport at 6am and then headed up to Canada, Customs went fast, then had a beautiful drive though Canadian country side going about 100-130, just zipping along. That is in Kilometers that is, kind of have to do a double take. Well I just meet Steve here in Waterloo and now we are about to go take his car back to the Toronto Airport, should be a fun night, hopefully we can get some sushi tonight. Keep in touch ya all.
Ok well Wednesday I woke up and drove down to Shippensburg, PA to help out PA-Omicron Chapter. I spend about four hours, helping them solve some internal problems and coming up with some very realistic solutions that I am excited for the chapter to complete. Then I drove back to Oxford to hang out with my good buddy Kerry, the South Dakotan, who we almost lost to SAE, well that is a crazy story, you better ask him. Well anyways we went out for a drink at 12:30 and after our first drink we got kicked out cause they were closing, but hey I ate a ton of peanuts, good stuff. Then I worked two days at good ol' GHQ, I was in Oxford for about exactly forty hours, by the way I have a huge pet peeve with Pregnant Women smoking, maybe that is just me, Bynum will probably get mad at that comment, my chew buddy, even though I do not chew.
Well then Friday I drove to Ohio State University for a football game, saw the Phi Delt house there, nice place, didn’t go inside, maybe next time. We were at Ohio Stadium, the Horseshoe, which is a very cool stadium, third largest stadium in the country I believe. Well I went with my dad, they were playing his Alma Mater San Diego State University, GO AZTECS!!! We were in end zone at the top of the horseshoe with a bunch of other SDSU fans. Well I have to say the game started off great with the Aztecs scoring in two Seconds, the first play, a pass that was run for eighty yards, with a touchdown in our end zone, called my buddy Jimmy and harassed him, because he is a Buckeyes fan and then they missed the extra point. So Aztecs up six to nothing, then it all went down hill after that, Aztecs ended up losing the game 27-6. Well it was definitely an experience, with over 102,000 people there, largest attended football game I had ever been to. Hearing one side of the stadium YELL O-H and the other I-O, the crowd gets into the game, the stadium is on-campus which I always think is great and helps the team. It was great to see my dad and hang out with him, I learned a lot about wine and the vineyards in California, Oregon and France last night. I am hoping to buy a bottle of this Chardonnay Wine I had a while ago in Lake Tahoe.

Well I dropped my dad off at the airport at 6am and then headed up to Canada, Customs went fast, then had a beautiful drive though Canadian country side going about 100-130, just zipping along. That is in Kilometers that is, kind of have to do a double take. Well I just meet Steve here in Waterloo and now we are about to go take his car back to the Toronto Airport, should be a fun night, hopefully we can get some sushi tonight. Keep in touch ya all.
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Pennsylvania State University
Having a super duper day today. Just hanin out at Pennsylvania Theta. I get to hopefully see the Penn State Stadium later.
Monday, September 12, 2005
The Big Apple

Well I decided to drive to New York City Sunday morning, which was an experience. I drove to the city, trying to find this sushi place, got lost and had a lot of fun seeing the city, even though I never got out of my car. I had some random dude wash my windsheild when I was stopped at a red light. I gave him a tip just. I drove over the Brooklyn Bridge which was way cool. I think I drove by the World Trade Center (well where they use to be). The other crazy thing I realized was that it was September 11th and I was in New York City. I heard it on the radio how they were going to read all the names of people who died at a ceremony and realized that I was there, kind of crazy. I also drove by Wall Street, the Wall Street, you could not drive down it and it looked like a little alley way, packed full of tourists, PACKED, all taking tons of pictures. Then I drive by the Merrill lynch Bull, Big Brass Bull on the sidewalk, way bigger then my car. Tons of people taking pictures of that with all these kids hanging off of it. I hope to see a lot more of New York City when I go visit Rutgers in a month. Will be fun times, hopefully be able to meet up with friends while I am there. I am now at Penn State, about to go walk around campus and go see the football stadium.

Saturday, September 10, 2005
First Football Game of the season
I am going to see the Union College Football game tonight at 7pm. It is going to be a lot of fun because I get to watch it from the chapter house porch on the second floor. I am going to drive to New Jersey tonight after the game and hopefully see some of New York City. I tried to get tickets to the Yankees/Red Sox game in NYC but they are sold out, would have been a fun game to go to. I will then be driving to Pennsylvania State University (Pennsylvania Theta).

Friday, September 09, 2005
Union College

I also went to this monument on campus for their College President, he was the longest College President ever in the US apparently, 63 years. That is dedication.
Thursday, September 08, 2005
The Atlantic Ocean and the Rest of New England

Well I left Nova Scotia this morning at like 4am, midnight western time, kind of crazy. I had a great visit at Nova Scotia Alpha with its amazing members, who hopefully kick butt at recruitment at Dalhousie. I have to say I wanted to laugh every time they say "about" cause it sounds like "a-boot", I think their accents are cool, ha ha. Had a great flight back to the states into Boston, I read in the newspaper an article that mentions Phi Delt expanding to Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo, Ontario. The flight was also during sunrise, I have not seen a sunrise in a while and I saw light houses and a very calm ocean, I was also amazed how much of the flight is actually over land. The other cool thing about Boston’s airport (Logan International) is that it is right on the Ocean so it looks like you are about to land in water when they land. I ended up just driving to Rhode Island and Connecticut just cause, added about an hour to my trip but that did not matter because I was like four hours early to my visit to Union College (New York Beta). The Chapter house here is amazing they are RIGHT ON THE FOOTBALL FEILD. You can look out the kitchen window, my bedroom window and watch the football game, I think I might stay here Saturday because there is a football game Saturday night. The house had a great recruitment event tonight had a band and invited administrators over to see their remodeled house, they love these guys which was good to see, they really want them to succeed. "By the way Diet Vanilla Cherry Dr Pepper is great." I get to meet up with my Dad in 10 days for a football game, which is going to be a lot of fun. It will be good to see him. Well that is a-boot it for tonight. Always remember "do not eat yellow snow." Words of wisdom, trust me on that one.
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Dalhousie University

Well today was a very super duper great day in the life of a Leadership Consultant, I am here at Nova Scotia Alpha, working with the chapter. They were so pumped up about Phi Delt, it was really good to see the enthusiasm of the members. Glad I could be here at the beginning of the semester to help them start off on the right foot. I just helped the chapter create this great chapter budget, with will help with recruitment, membership, scholarships (short and long term) and accountability, which I am very excited about, would like to thank the great men here for listening to me and my random ideas. I am looking forward to another great day of visits tomorrow and I am going to the beach tomorrow night after all my meetings that will be nice, see a little more of the providence. Their first day of school is in three days on Thursday so they are all hanging out recruiting. Canada takes our American money which worked out well, but I got back Canadian money as change so I am not sure what I am going to do with that, souvenir I guess as my first visit to Canada. I LOVE YOU ALL, Canada is beautiful and you all should visit, nice folks here. (I also heard a rumor that the folks without homes “homeless” like to come here during the summer because Nova Scotia has the nicest people in Canada.)
Quote of the day:
Never lie, cheat, steal or drink, if your going to lie, lie in your woman's arms, if your going to cheat, cheat death, if your going to steal, steal her heart and if your going to drink, drink with your best friend in the world.
Monday, September 05, 2005
Nova Scotia

I woke up and drove to Fenway just to see it. I got on the plane for Halifax, Nova Scotia, it was only an hour flight, I forgot about the time change, so I am fours hours different from back home. So I thought I was going to be able to get all this work done on the plane, which did not happen because it was a really bumpy ride so when the seatbelt sign came off I got up with about thirty minutes before we landed so I only got about ten minutes of work done. Oh well it was an amazing flight, flew over the Atlantic ocean for the first time too. I got picked up by the Chapter Advisor, cool guy. I asked a bunch of random questions about Canada, a liter of gas is about $1.59, which if my math is correct like almost six bucks a gallon, crazy. There are apparently lots of wild Porcupines here. I wish I would of drove here, of well, it was a nice flight. Fun filled Monday tomorrow for me.
Sunday, September 04, 2005
New England (Five states of it)

Wow I keep having these amazing drives to these places I have never been to before. I left Colgate and drove through New York, went down a dirt road for a little bit which was a surprise. New York has a ton of cows, I did not know that New York would have so many, I thought it was Texas's job to have tons of cows. Well anyways let me tell you about all the cool things I saw on the way.
-I saw this older gentleman, had to be at least ninety walking up the street with a bouquet of flowers, I was thinking to his special ladies house to show her that he can still be romantic after all these wonderful years.
-I saw a lot of people just fly fishing right on the river under a few bridges that I passed over, I have fished a million times but never fly fished, I would like to try that, looks relaxing and lots of fun
-Green pastures almost my entire trip through New England
-Moose crossing signs, but I saw no moose
-I saw this festival in the middle of nowhere and there were a ton of people there
-I drove through Vermont in less than an hour, so I was in New York to Vermont to New Hampshire in less than an hour which was cool.
-Vermont was beautiful, well they all were but there was this stop in Vermont called "The 100 Mile View" BREATHTAKING, wow it was amazing, trees as far as the eye could see.
-New Hampshire I got pulled over for speeding and I did not even know I was speeding, which I got pulled over by another officer because apparently the other one who clocked me could not turn around in time. Well he asked for the usual (driver’s license, registration). Then the one who apparently clocked me speeding came up and the other cop gave him my stuff he went back to his car and left, so I started to cry and the cop who clocked let me off without a ticket. What a nice guy, no just joking, I was going with the flow of traffic and he told me to keep the speed down, which I did and he let me off with a warning. Nice New Hampshire Highway Patrol keeping the roads safe. State Motto or at least on a lot of signs was "Drive safe, it is the New Hampshire way." Does that not just leave a warm feeling in ya?
-I was driving into Maine and we stopped on the bridge because it was a draw bridge and they were raising it up, which was cool to see.
-I went to Cape Neddick in Maine, I have wanted to go to Maine ever since I found out that they have lobster, so since I was like four or five years old.
-I sat on the beach in Maine, what a beautiful and calm day, called my homeboys Steve and Mario, in The University of Southern California Expansion Gang. They were on the Beach in So Cal (Southern California). I am in the Northeast, them in the Southwest, all three on the beach on two different oceans at the same time which was cool.
-I found out that Portsmouth, NH was founded in 1623, random trivia for ya, so now if any one asks you when Portsmouth, New Hampshire was founded you can say hey buddy that was in 1623.
-I saw a beautiful boxer in Massachusetts, made me miss my pup, Josie, who being a big sis to Kalli right now, sometimes a bully
-Gas, not even sure if I should bring this up, well I will anyways, FREAKING EXPENSIVE, I saw it range from 2.99 to 3.99, mostly between 3.29 to 3.59, crazy, I spend a hundred something today in gas, ridiculous, alright that is enough about gas.
-I went to dinner at this place in Boston that has served Clam Chowder to the Presidential inauguration for the past seven presidents, the chowder was good stuff I have to say.
Once I left the beach in Maine I decided that I had spent to much time at the beach and that I would probably going to miss the Red Sox game so I took Highway 1A South, which is the freeway that runs right next to the Atlantic Ocean down the east coast, another just beautiful drive, I think it took me like a little over two hours to drive the sixty some miles but it was so worth taking the time to drive next to the ocean all the way to Boston.
Well Today I was in four new states and tomorrow I head off for Nova Scotia (First time to not even Nova Scotia but to Canada). I might do this duck tours thing, take a tour of Boston before my flight leaves, we will see, I might try to get up early and go see the sunrise at the beach.
Friday, September 02, 2005
Fenway Park

WOW!!! I cannot wait, I am hoping to go to Feway Park, the stadium is sold out, so maybe I will be able to find some nice person with an extra ticket tomorrow. It was an amazing day here in Hamilton, great weather. I walked around campus and downtown, Hamilton has a very small town feel to it which is cool. There was a nice cool breeze of air all day, another leave all the windows open kind of day. I am hoping to drive through four more states tomorrow, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine and then to Massachusetts into Boston. I have not been to any of those states so I am very excited.
If you like Emo go check out this link- Let me know what you think.
I do not think I am going to do much tonight, rest up and leave early tomorrow so I can stop in each state and say hi to the locals, no not really but I hope to make it to Maine by lunch time, then it is about hour and a half to two hours from there to Boston. It was such a gorgeous day today, you can feel fall start to come and it is going to be great when the leaves change around here.
Hamilton, New York

I had a very interesting meeting with the Greek Advisor today. Well by interesting I mean very interesting, getting into some trouble with their Constitutional right of freedom of speech.
Other then that, there was a great day of weather here at ol' New York Zeta, Conrad’s chapter. I just found out that Nathan, a fellow past leadership consultant donated money to the Educational Foundation in my name. That is way cool of him, I feel honored and I am going to write him a thank you card. Well the weather is just amazing, the weather were you just leave the windows open and just let the cool air come in. Just relaxing and having some good quality meetings, just got done with chapter meeting, it was a hot one, I love chapter meetings, call me weird. I hope everyone is doing well out there and everyone’s families are safe. I hope that everyone can say a prayer for my old Province President Ken, he is a great brother and helped me through a lot when I was chapter president and he just lost someone dear to him.
I am going to try and do quotes and I have to give credit to the New York Zeta's President for telling me this one. "There are no mistakes in life, just lessons."
As far as I know none of our Fraternity Houses were affected by the hurricane. Here is a blurb from our site.
Helping Victims of Hurricane Katrina
As men of Phi Delta Theta, it is our duty to reach beyond ourselves and lend a hand to others in need. Even though you may not be directly affected by Hurricane Katrina, there are thousands who are without homes today.
Some of our chapters and members have experienced damages and losses due to Katrina. We will be using to coordinate news and relief efforts. By clicking on our name at the Fraternal Relief site, you can directly edit the page by clicking 'Edit' on the left side of the screen and add information on the status of brothers, chapter facilities, or other ways we can assist those in need.
Please visit to have a positive impact in someone's life.
If you have any information to share, please do so by contacting General Headquarters or directly editing our link on